Why Esa Unggul International Program?
Welcome Our Honorable Guest from Mapua MCL, Filipina, JEREMY PAUL E. GECOLEA, Ph.D
The Faculty of Economics and Business together with the international office of Esa Unggul University [...]
The Excitement of Campuses from 4 Countries Participating in The Immersion Program at Universitas Esa Unggul
Esaunggul.ac.id, We are delighted to announce that the International Office of Universitas Esa Unggul [...]
Universitas Esa Unggul dengan Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) Gelar Webinar Global Signature Course Series “Topik Intercultural Communicative Competence”
Esaunggul.ac.id, Dalam rangkaian Global Signature Course Series, Universitas Esa Unggul Indonesia Gelar GSC Series [...]
Global Signature Course Series “Ethics in Science”
Esaunggul.ac.id, Dalam rangkaian Global Signature Course Series, Universitas Esa Unggul Indonesia Gelar GSC Series [...]
Student Feedback

Jangan sia-siakan kesempatan untuk masuk ke Internasional Program. Uang bisa dicari, tapi kesempatan tidak bakal dateng 2 kali. Jika kamu bisa dapetin kesempatan itu sekarang, Ambil!. Jadilah berbeda dari temen-temen kamu. Jika temen kamu kuliah 4 tahun hanya punya 1 gelar, kamu bisa punya 2 gelar sekaligus. Percayalah, Itu juga jadi salah satu hal penting yang bakal membantu kamu untuk bisa dilirik sama perusahaan-perusahaan besar.

Choosing to go abroad is choosing to take the plunge into a new world. A world of new experiences , new friendships and freedom. The most amazing thing about my time abroad is the incredible impact pushing past my comfort zone had on not only my personality, but my perception of the world and it’s different cultures. I find myself understanding more about different cultures and people, and as a result have become more knowledgeable and understanding of people and their backgrounds. Thank you Esa Unggul University & Nanjing Xiaozhuang University.

Taking international program has a lot of benefits, not only learning about programming, but also learning Mandarin and expands our networking with a lot of people from various country.

China is one of my favourite country. I never thought that I will study in China for two years. China is awesome. I mean extremely awesome!! Yes, China has taught me many things, such as how to behave towards the world and how to live far away from home and of course family.

Became one of the students who had the opportunity to do a double degree between Esa Unggul University and Nanjing Xiaozhuang University is something that I am very grateful for. It has given me a lot of knowledge and experience that is very useful for me now. Especially because I was studied in china, it made me know and be able to speak Mandarin, know a Chinese culture, and know the technological developments in china which would be very useful if applied in Indonesia. So, never be afraid to study abroad, don’t make language as your barrier. Where there is an intention then there will definitely be a way.